See what we’re FIREd up about.
FIRE Foundation of Northeast Iowa was established in 2016 in response to the need for inclusive Catholic education in the Archdiocese of Dubuque.
We are an affiliate of the FIRE Foundation, which has served the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph for over 25 years, granting Catholic partner schools more than $8 million in support of inclusion.
The FIRE Foundation of Northeast Iowa, an independent 501(c)3 organization, makes it possible for partner Catholic schools to hire special educators and paraprofessionals and to acquire learning materials and technology that create successful learning experiences for all children. FIRE NE Iowa also provides professional development opportunities on a range of inclusive education topics for educators.
Without grants from FIRE Foundation of Northeast Iowa, most schools would not be able to welcome students with Down syndrome, significant learning disabilities, many who are on the Autism spectrum and students who need significant learning support. In inclusive learning environments, children grow up knowing and appreciating each other’s unique gifts.

FIRE is Spreading!
Special Dedication:
The FIRE Foundation of Northeast Iowa organization is dedicated to Earl and Agnes Youngblut. The Youngblut’s valued their faith and Catholic education. In 1972, Earl started a farm chemical business, then in 2004 their oldest child, Teresa, her husband and seven children purchased the corporation. God blessed the family in many ways through the years. In 2016, an opportunity to sell the business came, and the family knew they wanted to do something good with the proceeds of the sale. They donated the proceeds to FIRE Foundation of Northeast Iowa to ignite the organization. Since that time, through the efforts of parents, a dedicated board of directors, many talented volunteers and community members who embrace inclusive Catholic education, more than $188,000 has been granted to partner schools located in the Archdiocese of Dubuque.